If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.

- Hemingway

French men make me sick, always have done. I'm degenerate, but they are dirty with it. Not only in the physical sense either, they have greasy minds. Other foreigners may have garlic on their breath, but the frogs have it on their thoughts as well.

- Flashman

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Bobigny and Bye

Sunday was game day for me and travel day for the boys. I headed off for the match and left the others to explore Gare du Nord. It was cold, windy and threatening to rain. When our coach begun explaining how we would play in the rain I politely interrupted him, “It’s okay, I know how to play in the rain”. He beamed. Chode headed home and James made the final leg up to the match, with some renegade pipe playing and a chat with a friendly Belgian on his way. As he entered the ground, part EA tracksuit, part racing tracksuit, arms raised, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Allez Gillies!!”

“J’aime l’eccossais!!”

“C’monnn Academyyyy...!!”

“Mahoy!” I replied in code that I knew James would understand.

We won 36-6 but should have scored 50 but hey, this is France. Why score 50 when you can get the same number of points on the table for scoring 36... I probably had my best game, making a 50 metre break leading to a try and finding some rhythm in my kicking.

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