If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.

- Hemingway

French men make me sick, always have done. I'm degenerate, but they are dirty with it. Not only in the physical sense either, they have greasy minds. Other foreigners may have garlic on their breath, but the frogs have it on their thoughts as well.

- Flashman

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Pilou Pilou

The Pilou-Pilou is a song/chant created in the 1940s and now sung by the supporters of RC Toulon. It is sung/chanted before every match at the imposing Stade Mayol. It goes like this, with the italics shouted by the crowd and the rest done by the announcer. If you type pilou pilou into youtube you'll get to see it.

Ah ! Nous les terribles guerriers du Pilou-Pilou,
Qui descendons de la montagne vers la mer,
Pilou Pilou !!!!
Avec nos femmes échevelées allaitant nos enfants
À l'ombre des grands cocotiers blancs
Pilou Pilou !!!!
Nous les terribles guerriers du pilou pilou poussons notre terrible cri de guerre! ARRRRRRGGGGHHH'' J'ai dis terrible cri de guerre!! arrrrrgggghhhh Parce que Toulon! ROUGE Parce que Toulon! NOIR Parce que Toulon! Rouge et noir!

If Jonny Wilkinson is to be believed, it’s quite impressive. Maybe Edinburgh with their similar colour scheme could steal it.

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